Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rough Night

Last night turned out to be a pretty rough night to the point all I keep thinking is "did anyone catch the number on that bus?" It started out when I decided to play some Call of Duty 4 on the PS3. I have no idea why, but I was not on my game last night. There were a decent number of games where my team completely dominated, but I was fighting for my life in everything else. In case you do not know how I play that game, such struggles are usually rare. This was the first night I really got to play with the old crew I played with so much last summer. The result was me playing from approximately 9pm to 3am. I was already tired from not getting a whole lot of sleep during the week and putting in a full round of golf yesterday afternoon. That round of golf included two hours in the rain.

To make matters worse, my sleep was not amazing either. At some point in the night, I managed to rollover in such a way that I face-planted into my bed's headboard. I recommend not doing that. It hurts. I had a dream that I went to Turkey with my sister's family. We had a few guys hassling us, and once I got that resolved, I found out my girlfriend had hid herself in my backpack to come with us. How she fit and I did not notice a backpack that has suddenly gained the weight of a person, I have no idea. The unfortunate part about this was the need to figure out how to get her back into the United States. Her lack of a passport and the scan of luggage which shows up human bones were the prime source of conflict.

About at that point, I woke up only to find out I am extremely dehydrated. I decided not to open the window last night thinking it would be warm outside before I would want to wake up. I thought the cool apartment would be able to hold out despite having Ellinore running. The result of this was my apartment being very dry in the morning and a little warm. So yeah, fun night...



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