Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What I Need

There's a new game running around the web. It is called "What I Need." To play, all you have to do is search on Google for " Needs". So, in my case, I searched for "Shawn Needs". Then just take the top 10 listings and voila! Anways, here is what I got:
  1. Shawn needs to decide who he wants to spend the rest of his life with
  2. Shawn needs to pee
  3. Shawn needs a project
  4. Shawn needs ecological research
  5. Shawn needs a car
  6. Shawn needs a car (These are officially two different url's as you can see. Apparently, I just really need a car)
  7. Shawn needs a mommy
  8. Shawn needs a makeover
  9. Shawn needs to clean his car
  10. Shawn needs this t-shirt
After looking the list over, I find it a bit disturbing how true it really is. I do need to pee. I have been destined to buy a new car as soon as I can afford one. Every day that goes by, I like my current car less and less. My car also could desperately use a cleaning. It is no where nearly as bad as many college students' vehicles, but it is way worse than what I prefer. As for the t-shirt, I love Monty Python! I already own an "I'm not dead yet!" t-shirt. This would go nicely with the collection. I suppose you could count the makeover one too if that includes a haircut. I have been busy enough and at the same time too lazy to care that I am beginning to return to my 'fro days from high school. The shaving occasionally gets neglected too. The project one could be interpreted too. I have way too many projects going on the way it is, but I do definitely need to finish a project. I just do not need a new one. I am not sure what to make of the ecological research one, however. I will leave it with the others for my readers to speculate on since I know they will have a few things to say about them.



Blogger Suzy From Austin said...

Shawn, that list was hilarious! I think it did sound like you. You didn't comment on the "I need a mommy." one though. Does Jessa know this will be her role if she sticks around too long? Run Jessa, run!

March 26, 2009 at 9:16 AM  

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