Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Apatheism Rebutted

So my lovely sister posted this comment on my initial blog about Apatheism:

What about after this life? Do you care what happens then? I know your '" don't care" attitude is more leave me alone about it. I think you do care more than you are letting on.

I did not respond directly to her because I intended to post another full blog on it. However, I got busy and put it off way too long. So, no, Suzanne, I had no intentions of blowing you off. ;-)

I have to say she makes a very valid point. If I did not care, why would I blog about the notion of Christianity/religion as much as I do? So if it is not a matter of caring, then what is it? My sister suggests it is a preference to be left alone on the topic. That is probably right. The next logical question then proceeds to why do I want to be left alone about it? As I ponder the answer to that question, it seems to come down to serious personal affairs. In my entire life, I have almost never directly confronted a serious conversation about personal matters. When it comes to less personal topics (such as politics or education), I am ready to debate for hours if it is an issue on which I have an opinion. The distinction seems to be on the focus of the topic. Only with an internal focus do I tend to avoid the issue. I believe my ex-girlfriends could attest to this.

I would also say this is where a large portion of my sense of humor comes from. I joke about everything these days, but I most certainly use it as a defense mechanism in tough situations. I am the guy who will joke about absolutely anything. I suspect if you are going to use humor as a shield, this must be true; otherwise, it would make for a lousy defense. One might even go so far as to say defining a new religion, such as "Apatheism" itself, is a joke in an effort to avoid the issue.



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